Join the Digital Wolves Network and become a Trusted Partner

Wolverhampton City Council has been working with local voluntary sector organisations and charities across Wolverhampton to support people to get online and access the services they need. This network of Trusted Partners help distribute devices and connectivity to the digitally excluded, provide support and training to help people get online and support the Wolves Tech Aid scheme to get more devices refurbished and out to school children who need them.

We can help you and your clients bridge that digital divide.

"Our participants have benefited from 100% wolves online by having access to digital devices such as Tablets, Chromebooks, Smartphones. This has led to individuals being able to use internet allowing them to connect to online services. Participants have been using Chromebooks and have learned how to set up Gmail accounts, and use google suite and how to link this this to their phones. Others have benefited by receiving devices such as Tablets, smartphones, data sims, and Chromebooks allowing individuals to continue learning. 100% Wolves digital provides an excellent platform for those who are digitally isolated. We need to continue this support to help people to understand the benefits of accessing the digital world not only enhancing their skills but improving their lives."
Tiana Dunne Johnson - Access 2 Business

If you want to be part of this ever expanding city-wide network fill in the form below. Mandatory fields *

Do you provide free wifi?

Are you a Good Things Foundation online centre?