Digital for Business
Digital is seen as the backbone of a modern thriving economy driving productivity and enabling growth.
Our ambition is to make Wolverhampton a fully connected city where businesses will be equipped with a network that meets the future demand for digital connectivity from online business applications and internet connected devices, cloud data storage, voice and video conferencing and flexible working.
The UK has a digital skills productivity gap in the workplace (estimated at £63 billion a year) with too few people having the necessary digital skills to fill vacant roles. In addition, Lloyds Bank consumer digital index 2020 indicates that only 52% of the workforce have the necessary digital skills for work.
There are over 5 million small and medium businesses in the UK which are critical to long term economic growth and prosperity in the UK. In Wolverhampton 96% of businesses are small or micro enterprises. It is estimated that SME’s grow 2-3 times faster if they have the necessary digital skills to participate in the digital economy and make the most of freely available digital tools. However, 1.2 million SMEs in the UK have still not yet seen the benefit of adopting digital.
Wolverhampton’s Relighting the City recovery commitment priority is to grow vital local businesses, supporting them to adapt and innovate, gain competitivie advantage and become more resilient to changes in the economy. Wolves in Business offers a comprehensive support package to businesses in Wolverhampton and you can find out how to digitalise your business, increase your productivity and upskill your workforce with the latest digital skills to improve your communications, sell online, and develop employees in specialist roles.

SuperTech Seeds Pre-Accelerator
Are you stuck refining your MVP scope endlessly and testing the market without the tech to prove your business idea for real?
Then the SuperTech Seeds pre-accelerator is just for you.
Help to Grow: Digital scheme
Find out more and register your interest in the Help to Grow: Digital scheme announced in the budget which will be available this Autumn.
Take your business to the next level with the government’s new Help to Grow programme. The programme will help small and medium sized businesses across the UK learn new skills, reach new customers and boost profits.
You could get:
- an Executive Development programme that could help you improve business performance and growth potential through Help to Grow: Management
- free online advice and money off software that could help you save time and cut costs through Help to Grow: Digital