Wolverhampton has good coverage of gigabit and full fibre broadband across the city. Wolverhampton adopted its Digital Infrastructure Strategy in January 2020 in recognition that futureproofed digital infrastructure is essential in achieving the city’s digital ambitions, it includes a commitment to support the rollout of full fibre and wireless infrastructure and remove barriers.

Embracing the evolution in mobile technology, 5G is addressing the demand for faster data speed, on-the-move video streaming and instant access. 5G supplements networks to deliver an uninterrupted mobile experience.

Telecommunication Providers are rolling out or upgrading their infrastructures to full fibre by installing new cabinets, using ducting or poles.

Can the council refuse permission for poles to be installed?

Telecoms providers will be granted a licence to undertake works on the highway undertaking works to “install, replace, maintain and renew” apparatus in the highway.

Can poles be installed without planning permission?

The installation of telegraph poles is generally exempt from planning permission (through the General Permitted Development Order 2015). As planning permission is not required, no planning enforcement can be undertaken. The location of poles can only be objected to by the Highway Authority in relation to highway safety issues.

Can poles be installed in grass land next to the highway (not specified on the permit), which is not maintained at public expense?

Permission needs to be gained from the relevant landowner.

Can a pole be installed outside my property?

As long as poles do not compromise highway safety or prevent a resident from being able to access or egress their property, the council cannot legally refuse permission for their installation.

Who do I contact to discuss issues around a pole being installed?

Residents should contact the company directly to discuss any issues or log a formal complaint.