Careers Advice and Guidance

Connexions Wolverhampton can provide you with expert careers guidance and support helping you explore careers that suit your skills and interests. The service is open to residents of Wolverhampton between the ages of 13-19 or up to the age of 25 if you have special educational needs and/or a disability. If you are still at school or college ask your careers teacher or student services department to arrange an interview for you. Find out more.

City of Wolverhampton College
City of Wolverhampton College offer IT and computer courses for school leavers and adult learners. They offer a range of Apprenticeships and Higher Education courses. Options range from essential digital skills courses through to computer programming. To get support contact the careers guidance team.

National Careers Service
Explore jobs and careers on the National Careers Service to find out what the jobs entails and if it is right for you. Look at over 800 career profiles to discover what each job involves. Assess your skills and match them to potential new careers and look for online learning opportunities and training courses local to you in Find a Course.

NHS England
NHS Digital Leads the digital revolution in the NHS. Visit NHS Digital to find out about the jobs available as well as their graduate scheme and internship opportunities. Find out more.